Restaurant Guest Surveys Tim Hortons Customer Survey

Tim Hortons is always looking for ways to improve their customer service and food quality, so you may have recently gotten a survey invitation from the company. Our Tim Horton’s customer satisfaction survey guide will tell you all about the fun prizes you get for taking the survey at We will also give you an easy guide to finishing the survey in under two minutes. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the Tim Hortons feedback survey.


Anyone who takes the Tim Hortons survey will need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • Survey takers must have a receipt from a recent visit to Tim Hortons. You will only be able to take the survey if you receipt has a survey invitation code printed on the bottom of it.
  • Participants must be able to read and write in either English or Spanish.
  • Survey takers must agree with the Tim Hortons survey privacy policy because taking the survey will count as accepting this policy.


Anyone who fills out Tim Hortons online feedback form will be rewarded with a validation code that you can write down on the receipt you used for the survey. This code will count as a coupon, and it can be redeemed at any Tim Hortons restaurant. The exact nature of the coupon may change because different restaurants offer different promotional deals. It will always be some sort of discount for your meal or a free menu item with a purchase. For example, some survey takers may be eligible for a free coffee with the order of a donut.


1. Type into the address bar of a web browser.
2. Follow the “Espanol” link to the Spanish version of the survey, or remain on the English survey webpage.

tim hortons survey language
3. Type the survey code found at the bottom of your receipt into the blank field.

tim hortons survey location
4. Click the red button that says “Start.”
5. Enter the details about which store you visited and what you did during this visit.
6. Answer the questions about how pleasant the service, food, and other aspects of your visit were.
7. Submit the survey to automatically load a page with your validation code.
8. Write the validation code on your receipt before closing the webpage.


If you would like to find out more details about the Tim Hortons customer satisfaction survey, you can speak to their customer service team through one of these methods:

Contact Form:
Phone Number: 1 (888) 601-1616
Survey Management Group Address: SMG Privacy Office,
1737 McGee Street,
Kansas City, MO, 64108

After completing the survey, you can leave feedback on your experience by commenting on the Tim Hortons’ Facebook or Twitter. Feel free to comment below with more tips on taking the survey or collecting your prize.

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    1. You can contact their customer service department using the contact methods listed in our article.

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