Retail Company Surveys Lucky Listens Customer Survey

Our guide to the Lucky Supermarkets survey will tell you everything you need to know about the Lucky customer satisfaction survey. We will walk you through the steps of the survey at and let you know more about the prizes that Lucky offers as an incentive to those who take the Lucky customer satisfaction survey. Keep reading to find out the easiest way of sharing your opinion with Lucky and registering for a survey reward.

lucky supermarket survey logo


Because the survey prize for the Lucky feedback survey is a sweepstakes entry, the company does have a few requirements for people who take the survey.

  • Be a legal resident of California.
  • Be at least 18 years of age or older at time of entry.
  • Be in possession of a receipt from a Lucky store that contains a survey invite code and is no older than three days.
  • Do not be an employee or the family member of an employee for Lucky or Medallia surveys.


When you take Lucky’s survey, you will be rewarded with an entry into the sweepstakes program. Lucky picks one random name from all the people who took the survey during each sweepstakes period. The winner gets a gift card worth $100 that can be spent at any Lucky grocery store. There is a weekly drawing for this prize, so there will be four people who win a gift card each month. If you win, Lucky will notify you over phone, mail, or email, so be sure you enter the correct contact information while taking the survey.


1. Go to or follow this link a web browser.
2. Review the sweepstakes rules if desired and then click the green “Begin Survey” button.

lucky supermarket survey
3. Enter in the text displayed in the Captcha image to prove you are a real customer.

lucky supermarket survey step
4. Type your survey invitation code into the blank box and click the green “Next” button.

lucky supermarket survey code
5. Provide answers to the questions about which store you visited and what you did during your grocery shopping trip.
6. Rate your overall satisfaction with your visit.
7. Answer questions about how clean, organized, and well-stocked the stores were.
8. Click “Next” to submit the survey portion and move on to sweepstakes registration.
9. Enter your contact information so you can be contacted if you win the sweepstakes.
10. Submit your sweepstakes registration.


If you run into any difficulties while you are filling out the survey, you can either talk to Lucky’s customer service or get help for technical errors from the official survey support team.

Lucky Contact Form:
Lucky Phone Number: (800) 692-5710
Address: Lucky Supermarkets
Attn: Consumer Relations
P.O. Box 4278
Modesto, CA 95352
Survey Support Staff Email: click here

Leave a message on Lucky’s Facebook or Twitter to let them know you took the survey, and comment below to share your survey tips with others.

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