Pharmacy Customer Surveys

Rite Aid Survey Completion Guide at

The Rite Aid survey completion guide will go through all of the necessary steps for filling in the Rite Aid store survey. Rite Aid is a drugstore chain that operates in more than 4500 locations across the United States. The drugstore chain offers pharmaceutical drugs, health and beauty products, vitamin supplements, diet and health products, electronics, and even home health care products.


The survey page offers Rite Aid customers the possibility of offering feedback on the drugstore’s products, customer care policies, and services. Interested clients can go online, visit the survey page and help the popular American drugstore chain to improve its practices and product by completing the Rite Aid customer satisfaction survey.

Rite Aid Survey Completion Guide: Participation Prerequisites

As is the case with most customer experience surveys, the Rite Aid store client survey does have some requirements that clients must meet in order to become eligible for participation. The first requirement is that all customers wishing to complete the Rite Aid customer feedback survey must be 18 years of age or older. All participants must also be legal residents of the United States of America in order to qualify for taking the survey.

Lastly, as this Rite Aid survey aims to gather important feedback from clients that have shopped in one of the drugstore chain’s locations, participants are required to provide a proof of purchase in order to complete the Rite Aid pharmacy survey. If you are interested in completing the Rite Aid client experience survey, you will need to have a recent receipt from your last purchase at any of the Rite Aid locations in your area.

Information listed on this receipt will be required when filling in the survey, so make sure you have it nearby once you decide to start taking the survey. Please note that the access information on the receipt is only valid for 14 days after your purchase, so try to complete the survey within 14 days of having visited the store. Otherwise, you will not be able to use the receipt to access the survey page.

In order to access the store survey webpage, you will require a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, or a smart phone. You will also need to have access to a secure internet connection for the completion of this survey. Please make sure that the internet connection you are using is reliable, so as to avoid getting disconnected from the survey page.

Rite Aid Survey page
This is what the second Rite Aid Survey page will look like

Rite Aid Survey Step-by-Step Walkthrough

The following segment of this guide will offer a step-by-step walkthrough for the Rite Aid customer service survey completion process. Once you have your computer or smart device ready, take your Rite Aid receipt and follow the steps below to complete the survey:

  • The first thing you will need to do will be to access the Rite Aid customer survey page. You can do so by clicking the link below or by copying and pasting the link into the navigation bar in your web browser of choice. If you choose to copy and paste the link into your web browser, make sure not no type anything else into the navigation bar after you’ve pasted the link into it. You can use this link to reach the Rite Aid survey webpage: Alternatively, you can visit the official company website at, scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the Customer Care section. You will see the “Store Survey” option listed in the Customer Care section. Click on the “Store Survey” option and wait to be automatically redirected to the survey page.
  • Once you’ve reached the Rite Aid survey page, you will need to choose whether you wish to complete the survey in English or in Spanish. The webpage will feature two big boxes that you can choose from, click the one corresponding to the language you prefer to use: “English” or “Espanol”.
  • You will now be asked to enter the cashier code found at the top of your receipt into the first empty field on the page. You will find a picture showing you an example of a Rite Aid receipt and indicating where you can find the cashier number. Enter the cashier number listed on your receipt without the # symbol that precedes it.
  • After you’ve entered the cashier code, you will also be required to enter the sixteen-digit code found at the bottom of your receipt into the second empty field on the webpage. Please remember that this code is only valid for 14 days after you’ve received your receipt. Once you’ve entered the information, click the “Next” button.
  • You can now answer the survey questions. After you have finished, you will be told that you are eligible for the sweepstakes and asked to enter your name and your telephone number into the survey page so that you can be contacted should you win a prize. After you’ve entered your contact information, just click next to finish the survey.

Rite Aid Survey Prizes and Rewards

If you complete the survey you can enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win the Rite Aid survey rewards for customer feedback. The prizes offered consist of one $1000 grand prize and 10 smaller $100 prizes to be awarded at the end of each survey period. Winners will be chosen by a random draw and will receive the prize in the form of a check. There are twelve survey periods in total. The draws will be performed by an independent judging organization at the end of each survey period. The winners will be notified by phone or mail.

Rite Aid Survey: Useful Information

If you require more information about the current Rite Aid client satisfaction survey and about the sweepstakes rules, you ca visit the survey page again and click on the Sweepstakes Rules link below the language options listed at the beginning of the survey. If you want to learn more about the Rite Aid survey or about other Rite Aid products and services, you can visit the drugstore’s main webpage by clicking on the link below:

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